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LIGO Test Wiki Service Provider


This wiki is used for testing software deployments and other operational tests. It is a test site for the main LIGO/Virgo Community wiki.


Access to most topics requires authentication and authorization. Some topics may be configured so as to allow anonymous or un-authenticated read access. All edit access requires authentication and authorization.

All LSC members receive credentials giving them access to this wiki by authenticating using the LIGO Identity Provider (IdP).

The collaboration may, from time to time, grant read and/or edit access to non-LSC collaborators and invited guests so that they may participate in activities that also further the LSC science mission. In these instances collaborators and guests may use a federated credential from approved IdPs. If guests do not have access to a federated identity credential they may request one from the LIGO Guest Identity Provider.

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy is available anonymously at

-- ShawnKwang - 2018-03-12
Topic revision: r1 - 2018-03-12,
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